Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Last days of the Bruckner Foundation Residency

Entering to my last week of residency, Emilie wanted to have some photos of my work. So I set up to clean my shelfs and tools a bit and tidy up myself to let Irina take these wonderful pictures in a very dark December day. I remembered the empty shelfs and tables of the first day of the residency and felt so proud of the work done!
I still have one last firing scheduled for these tall pieces upfront. Fingers crossed!

photo by Irina Popa, at the Bruckner Foundation
Evrim Ozkan Yazici,
Photo by Irina Popa at the Bruckner Foundation

photo by Irina Popa, at the Bruckner Foundation
Evrim Ozkan Yazici ceramic work at the Bruckner Foundation
Photo by Irina Popa

One tidy shelf just before the photo shooting